Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hi, How are you?

This is my first ever blog post.

I am nine years old. I am a big sister. My brother is 7 and my sister is 5. We live in Brisbane, Australia but we are moving back to New Zealand in 12 days.

I have two best friends who I am sad because Ive got to leave them to move back to New Zealand. We're all upset. This is one of my bffs, when we went to see Mamma Mia on stage.

I like cooking, sewing and doing craft. For Christmas I got a Junior Masterchef cookbook. I got a craft book called The Crafty Kid. I also love playing netball. This is my netball team.

I love BEANIE KIDS too.

Last night my best friend came for a sleepover and today we are going to do some cooking in the pretend kitchen and the real kitchen. We are going to make food to take to the workers cleaning up after the big flood in Brisbane, where we live.


  1. Hi I love netball and beanies too. Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Miss Marvellous.

  2. Love your new blog! Did you make the cats in the header? They are gorgeous :D

  3. Great new blog Miss Chatterbox! Well done, and all the best with your new adventures back home in NZ.

  4. Hi there Miss 9!! I love your new blog. I have followed your mum's for a while now and enjoy it lots. She sent me some yummy chocolates for a chocolate swap. I used to play netball at school too and loved it :-) I hope all goes well with your move home. Keep us up to date with your cooking and crafting adventures!! xx

  5. Hi Miss Chatterbox... this is Miss fab's mum here. We are hoping to meet you some time now that you are back in new Zealand I hope you will enjoy being back here... even tho it must be sad to leave all your friends.
    My daughter is freinds with Miss marvellous; she is 6 and a half. and she has a blog too. It's called the Ab Fab Blab.
    Welcome back to NZ :)

  6. All the best with your new blog and your move to New Zealand!
